
 admin   2023-05-02 17:01   124 人阅读  0 条评论

近三年中考满分作文10篇案 1. The teacher is rubbish. He is so bad at teaching, yet gives us very low marks. 2. The team members are so rubbish/shit, as they never cooperate with me. 3. I trust you, so

教育局电话多少案 There are lots of obstacles in my whole life.我这一生很多挫折。希望能够帮到楼主

大东女装鞋子冬装2019案 随着坑爹这一词汇的流行,其意思也远远不单是“father in the hole”这么简单了。具体怎么表达就看他在具体例句中的意义了。如表达无聊的意思时即为简单的boring,

世纪佳缘是什么案 坑比 encumber encumber Dad 坑爹 猪队友 teamplyer encumbering comrades stupid teamplayer; idiot teamplayer

怎么升级卡贴案 坑就是菜嘛,菜鸟英文表达是green hand 、novice、 rookie等等。当然你如果玩lol美服的话可能会发现更地道、流行的表达


写报告的格式案 凹坑 steel pit pit

简描述干旱的危害案 您好!坑,动名词 cheating 坑爹cheat me 、deceive me

新增内存案 Rain million at the beach pit. 至于怎么读,建议你去词霸里找找。


esi新增案 深坑 [词典] pit; chasm; dell; delle; [例句]营救人员将一名男婴从12英尺深的建筑工地的深坑里拉出来时,他安然无恙。A baby boy is safe after rescue workers pulled him

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