
 admin   2023-04-04 20:01   134 人阅读  0 条评论

冬装收纳神器宝贝照片图片案 我们应该准备小树苗和水 英文We should prepare for the young trees and water

投资 中企动力 蜀icp案 We must make preparations for the exam of English on thursday.

邯郸热能与动力工程招聘We should prepare for our exams.

露营烧烤图片文案可爱案 we must leave enough time to prepare for the LV.4 English exam.

洗剂怎么洗we are getting ready for the english exam.


俄罗斯女兵的冬装照片准备做某事 get/be ready to do sth.prepare to do sth.

小蜜蜂怎么画案 we need to prepare A for sth/in order to do sth. 我们需要准备 A 为了 sth / 以便做 sth

汽车动力电池行业概况我们要为春节做准备,比如包饺子,贴春联 we have to prepare for the spring festival, such as dumplings, spring festival couplets 我们要为春节做准备,比如包饺子,贴春联

江苏各市的别称in the future


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