
 admin   2023-07-13 22:30   109 人阅读  0 条评论

茶山云雾绕图片案 I am very sorry for whatI have done with you .And I hope you could forgive me now .Sorry.

美背瘦身瑜伽案 apologize读“而坡了拽子 apology 读“而坡了举” 你可以把英文单词在百度搜索,它会出来对应的读音和解释的。

shake on翻译案 I'm holding on your rope, (为你言语所困,) 〔字面意思是女的放了根绳子,把男 You tell me that you're sorry (你究竟回来道歉了) 〔为什么会出现“究竟回来”这几

挽回的姐妹聊天话题大全案 We quarrelled one year ago because of a trivial thing. I have to apologize even though she ultimately forgave me.

天津草包家常菜的做法案 1.I must apologize. 我必须道歉。2.I must apologize about that. 我的确要为此向你道歉。3.I beg your pardon. 请你原谅。4.I am very sorry for that. 我为此非常抱歉。


芳村花市绿植Sorry! Before all my fault, please forgive me

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